Lodge History
The Early Days of the Bexhill Lodge No. 4898
Up until 1926, the only Masonic Craft Lodge in Bexhill was the Hadrian Lodge Number 2483. This Lodge had grown significantly in membership, but its accommodation was limited. Additionally, many new Masons were moving into Bexhill, and the large membership of Hadrian Lodge meant fewer opportunities for these new members to actively participate.
Formation of a New Lodge
In early 1926, several Masons began discussing the possibility of establishing a new Craft Lodge. On February 4th, a preliminary meeting was held with W. Bro Harold Clark, the manager of the Sackville Hotel, to explore the feasibility of using the hotel’s Pillar Room for Lodge meetings. It was agreed that this room could be adapted for such purposes.
On October 7th, 1926, the founding members met at the Sackville Hotel and passed several key resolutions:
- It was deemed beneficial for the Craft and local community to form a new Lodge in Bexhill.
- The new Lodge would be named “Bexhill Lodge.”
- The accommodation at the Sackville Hotel was suitable.
- The Hadrian Lodge Number 2483 would be asked to endorse the petition to Grand Lodge.
- The Founders’ Fee was set at 10 guineas.
It was also agreed that if the petition was granted, the first officers should be Past Masters to ensure the Lodge was properly established.
Petition and Consecration
On November 10th, a petition for the formation of the new Lodge, signed by 16 founding Masons and endorsed by the Worshipful Master and Wardens of Hadrian Lodge, was submitted to the Provincial Grand Master. After inspecting the proposed accommodation, the Provincial Grand Master approved its submission to Grand Lodge.
As a result, the Bexhill Lodge Number 4898 was officially consecrated on April 28th, 1927, at the Town Hall in Bexhill-on-Sea. The ceremony was conducted by the Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Bro Major R. Lawrence Thornton CBE, DL, supported by other Provincial Grand Officers. The Lodge was established under the leadership of its first Worshipful Master, W. Bro Edward Thomas Gibbs, along with 15 other founding members, in front of an assembly of 150 Brethren.
Ceremony and Installation
During the consecration ceremony, the Provincial Grand Master dedicated the Lodge Banner, which was presented by W. Bro E. T. Gibbs. The banner featured a sketch of the Parish Church, Lynch Gate, and a Martello Tower. Silver ashtrays were presented to the consecrating officers.
Following the installation of W. Bro Gibbs, attendees were transported to the Sackville Hotel for the Consecration and Installation Dinner.
Notable Achievements
The local press described the founding of the Bexhill Lodge as “the first Lodge of Freemasons, which was born in the Borough,” since the Hadrian Lodge had been consecrated in Westham.
During the meeting on April 28th, it was proposed and carried that the Lodge would become a Hall Stone Lodge in connection with the Masonic Million Memorial Fund. The Hallstone Medal was conferred on the Lodge by H.R.H. the late Duke of Connaught, the then M.W. the Grand Master, for their support of the Masonic Peace Memorial (1914-1918 war). This medal is passed from the reigning master to his successor upon installation.
First Regular Meeting
The Lodge held its first regular meeting on October 4th, 1927, during which its first initiate, Mr. Fred Spring, was admitted.
The Development of Bexhill Lodge No. 4898
Regular Meetings and Progress
Bexhill Lodge No. 4898 held six meetings a year, often featuring two ceremonies per meeting, which facilitated the Lodge’s steady progress.
Foundation Stone and Relocation
On May 13th, 1931, the foundation stone of the Temple in Wilton Road was laid. The Worshipful Master at the time, W. Bro J.W.M. Howes, participated in the procession, carrying a cornucopia of corn. The Lodge continued to meet at its original location until September 1939, when it transferred its meetings to the newly completed Temple.
Formation of the Lodge of Instruction
In February 1934, the Lodge of Instruction was established with specific objectives:
- Ensure all full members could present the Working Tools of all Three Degrees.
- Train the two Senior Stewards to perform the duties of the Senior Deacon.
- Train the Junior Stewards to perform the duties of the Junior Deacon.
- Prepare the Deacons to open and close the Lodge from the Chair in all Degrees.
Impact of World War II
With the outbreak of World War II, the Sackville Hotel was no longer available for meetings. The Lodge moved its home to the Temple in Wilton Road. Despite the war, meetings continued at varying intervals, except for a break from May 1940 to February 1941.
Post-War Period and Permanent Settlement
After a brief return to the Sackville Hotel from 1947 to 1951, the Lodge permanently settled at the Temple in Wilton Road. Under the wise guidance of its Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, and Officers, and with the full support of all members, the Lodge continued to thrive.
75th Anniversary Commemoration
To commemorate its 75th anniversary, a special meeting was held on April 23rd, 2002, replacing the regular meeting scheduled for April 2nd. This dispensation was granted by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro Ian H. Lay. The meeting was attended by W. Bro Alan Huntley, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, and his escort, W. Bro Joe Wilkins, Prov.G.D.C., along with 32 members and 57 visitors.
Freemasonry in Bexhill: A Historical Overview
Phases of Freemasonry in Bexhill
Freemasonry in Bexhill has experienced various significant phases. One notable event was the consecration of the Temple in 1931, during which the town’s Masons paraded through Bexhill in full regalia, accompanied by a band.
Modern Openness and Community Engagement
In recent years, Freemasonry has aimed to be more open and inclusive. On June 29, 2002, the three Lodges in Bexhill, along with the Province of Sussex, held an Open Day at the Masonic Centre in Wilton Road. Families and members of the public were welcomed into the Temple to learn more about Freemasonry. This event was followed by a Garden Party the next day, hosted by W. Bro G. Rogers of Hadrian Lodge No. 2483, which was also open to the public.
Early Meetings and Venues
The early meetings of the Bexhill Lodge were held at the Sackville Hotel, which is now known as “The Mermaid/Mistral.” Interestingly, the Lodge dined at this venue after meetings, symbolically returning to its roots.
Recent Changes
After many years of dining at “The Mermaid/Mistral,” the Lodge moved its dining venue to the Cooden Beach Golf Club on October 6, 2009. The Lodge moved again in 2019, to its current venue, at the Highwoods Golf Club This change marked a new chapter in the Lodge’s history, continuing its tradition of fellowship and community engagement.