Chapter Officers

King Harold 8630
Updated for 2024 - 2025

Royal Arch Masonry, an extension of the Craft, delves deeper into the teachings and symbolism of Freemasonry. It is considered one of the most significant degrees in Freemasonry, often described as the completion of the Master Mason degree. Members of the Royal Arch explore profound philosophical and moral lessons, further enriching their Masonic journey.

Z – The leader of the Chapter elected by the brethren, in many respects the MD or CEO of a business.

H – Assists Z in keeping order in the Chapter, and to close the Chapter.

J – Assists Z in keeping order in the Chapter, and is responsible for the admission of visitors.

Scribe E – In many ways very similar to a secretary of a small business. A hinge pin to ensure the smooth running of the Chapter affairs both in and out of the Chapter Temple.

Scribe N – To work in conjunction with the Janitor, to ensure that the Chapter is properly secured against intruders.

Treasurer – The Financial Officer or banker of the Chapter.

Director of Ceremonies – To regulate the ceremonies and keep an eye on the working of the ritual.

Almoner – To distribute alms where necessary and generally attend to the welfare of those in sickness or distress.

Charity Steward – To promote and cement the support of the Brethren of the Lodge for our Charities.

Principal Sojourner – To prepare any new candidate for admission, and to work with the three Principals in the ceremony.

1st Asst. Sojourner – To assist the Principal Sojourner.

2nd Asst. Sojourner – To assist the Principal Sojourner.

Steward – To assist the other officers in performing their duties and to ensure the best is provided for the comfort of the brethren.

Janitor – To ensure all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the approach and entrance of unauthorised persons.

Immediate Past Z– The previous Z, and is considered the guide, philosopher, and friend of his successor to the Z chair of the Chapter.