Lodge Officers

Bexhill Lodge 4898
Updated for 2024 - 2025

Freemasonry is referred to as a Craft, a term that stems from its origins in medieval stonemasons’ practices and the training imparted through initiation ceremonies for new members. In each Lodge, members elect officers to oversee the Lodge’s activities. These office holders are privileged to wear symbolic ‘jewels,’ which are inspired by the tools of medieval stonemasons.

Worshipful Master

The leader of the Lodge, chosen by its members, can be likened to the Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer of a company in many ways.

Senior Warden

Assists the Master in maintaining order within the Lodge and in closing the Lodge proceedings.

Junior Warden

The role involves assisting the Master in maintaining order within the Lodge and managing the admission of visitors.


To offer the proper prayers when necessary, and to consistently remind the brethren of their commitment to the three grand principles upon which the order is established: Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth.


The Treasurer acts as the Financial Officer or banker of the Lodge.


In many respects, akin to the secretary of a small business, serving as a pivotal element to guarantee the seamless operation of the lodge's activities, both within and outside of the Lodge Temple.

Director of Ceremonies

The purpose is to oversee the ceremonies and monitor the execution of the rituals.


The role of an Almoner is to distribute alms as needed and to generally look after the well-being of those who are sick or in distress.

Charity Steward

To promote and cement the support of the Brethren of the Lodge for our Charities.

Lodge Mentor

To offer assistance and support to all members of the Lodge, particularly the new ones, ensuring they are not left isolated during meetings.

Senior Deacon

The special messenger of the Worshipful Master.

Junior Deacon

The special messenger of the Senior Warden.

Inner Guard

To work in conjunction with the Tyler, to ensure that the Lodge is properly secured against intruders.


To ensure all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the approach and entrance of unauthorised persons.


To assist the other officers in performing their duties and to ensure the best is provided for the comfort of the brethren.

Immediate Past Master

The previous Master, and is considered the guide, philosopher, and friend of his successor to the Chair of the Lodge.